Team Fitlicious

“I feel GREAT every day! “


Working out has been something I have always loved to do, I have never had an issue about not wanting to do a workout or fully committing to a program.   But when it comes to nutrition I’ve constantly struggled to be at the top of my game. I’m always on the lookout for a solution to help simplify my nutrition and get as many nutrients in as I can. A couple years ago, I found Shakeology and it has helped me so much! Every morning I drink my chocolate shake- like a salad in a glass! When I first started drinking it I was skeptical how a shake could curve my sweet cravings and I didn’t understand how it could have so many benefits, but the more I learned about it I fell in love with it. As a full time working mother with two beautiful daughters, I enjoy the extra energy it gives me to keep up with them, and enjoy a happy life with my family.

Shakeology has so many good ingredients that are necessary to fuel our bodies.  I have Shakeology every morning for breakfast and it keeps my tummy happy! Not only has Shakeology helped me with my cravings but it has made a world of difference with my digestion and regularity! I know this is a topic most people don’t enjoy talking about but if you don’t hear these things from someone that uses the product how would you know how amazing it is?!

Shakeology helps with these three areas of my life:

  • As a mom~ I need the energy to keep up with my daughters, they keep me on my toes but they also keep me feeling young and adventurous.

  • As a wife ~ they say behind a successful man there is always a great woman,  and I want nothing but to be the best positive energy my husband needs in his life.

  • With a full time job~ I have a job that requires a lot of energy and the healthier I am, the better I can show up at work ready to live my daily work life and spread this positive mindset to others.

Shakeology is created to not just to provide all the nutrient dense benefits our bodies need,s but also to help us live our best life possible!


“we need to take care of our bodies because ultimately that’s where we live in”